Ames Housing - Part 1 - Exploratory Data Analysis

In this case study, we will use the Ames Housing dataset to explore regression techniques and predict the sale price of houses.

Data Summaries

The Ames Housing dataset contains the sale prices of properties in Ames, Iowa along with 80 other features. Each property has an Id associated with it. Here are the dimensions of the training and testing sets respectively:

[1] "Dimensions of the training set"
[1] 1460   81
[1] "Dimensions of the testing set"
[1] 1459   81

Now, let’s combine training and testing into a single dataset and take a look at the count of missing values:

What’s notable?

  • The combined dataset has 2919 property records.
  • Very few properties have a pool, fence or an alley access to the property.
  • Very few properties have a miscellaneous feature that has not been covered by other features.
  • More than a dozen features have atleast 1 missing value. Since we have a tiny dataset, we will try to impute the missing values.

Data Cleaning & Transformation

We will visualize features of the complete dataset and create a data cleaning pipeline.

Fixing Data Errors

First, a few data integrity checks need to be done to ensure the quality of the data:

  • YearRemodAdd should not be earlier than YearBuilt: 1 record to be fixed
  • YrSold should not be earlier than YearRemodAdd: 3 records to be fixed
# A tibble: 1 x 4
     Id YearBuilt YearRemodAdd YrSold
  <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>  <dbl>
1  1877      2002         2001   2009
# A tibble: 3 x 4
     Id YearBuilt YearRemodAdd YrSold
  <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>  <dbl>
1   524      2007         2008   2007
2  2296      2007         2008   2007
3  2550      2008         2009   2007
  • GarageYrBlt should not be earlier than YearBuilt: 18 records to be fixed
  • GarageYrBlt should not be later than YrSold: 1 record to be fixed
# A tibble: 18 x 4
      Id YearBuilt GarageYrBlt YrSold
   <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl>
 1    30      1927        1920   2008
 2    94      1910        1900   2007
 3   325      1967        1961   2010
 4   601      2005        2003   2006
 5   737      1950        1949   2006
 6  1104      1959        1954   2006
 7  1377      1930        1925   2008
 8  1415      1923        1922   2008
 9  1419      1963        1962   2008
10  1522      1959        1956   2010
11  1577      2010        2009   2010
12  1806      1935        1920   2009
13  1841      1978        1960   2009
14  1896      1941        1940   2009
15  1898      1935        1926   2009
16  2123      1945        1925   2008
17  2264      2006        2005   2007
18  2510      2006        2005   2007
# A tibble: 1 x 4
     Id YearBuilt GarageYrBlt YrSold
  <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl>
1  2593      2006        2207   2007

Imputing Missing Values & New Features

Basement Features

  1. There is one property (Id = 2121) where all the basement features are NA. TotalBsmtSF is replaced by 0.

  2. Now there are 79 properties which have no basement (TotalBsmtSF = 0). All other basement features having NA values are changed to None.

  3. Since qualitative features do not have the same distribution across neighborhoods, any remaining NA values are imputed to be the most common value in that Neighborhood.

# A tibble: 1 x 13
     Id Neighborhood BsmtQual BsmtCond BsmtExposure BsmtFinType1 BsmtFinSF1 BsmtFinType2 BsmtFinSF2 BsmtUnfSF TotalBsmtSF BsmtFullBath BsmtHalfBath
  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>    <chr>    <chr>        <chr>             <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>
1  2121 BrkSide      <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                 NA <NA>                 NA        NA          NA           NA           NA
# A tibble: 79 x 13
      Id Neighborhood BsmtQual BsmtCond BsmtExposure BsmtFinType1 BsmtFinSF1 BsmtFinType2 BsmtFinSF2 BsmtUnfSF TotalBsmtSF BsmtFullBath BsmtHalfBath
   <dbl> <chr>        <chr>    <chr>    <chr>        <chr>             <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>
 1    18 Sawyer       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
 2    40 Edwards      <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
 3    91 NAmes        <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
 4   103 SawyerW      <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
 5   157 NAmes        <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
 6   183 Edwards      <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
 7   260 OldTown      <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
 8   343 NAmes        <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
 9   363 Edwards      <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
10   372 ClearCr      <NA>     <NA>     <NA>         <NA>                  0 <NA>                  0         0           0            0            0
# ... with 69 more rows
# A tibble: 9 x 13
     Id Neighborhood BsmtQual BsmtCond BsmtExposure BsmtFinType1 BsmtFinSF1 BsmtFinType2 BsmtFinSF2 BsmtUnfSF TotalBsmtSF BsmtFullBath BsmtHalfBath
  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>    <chr>    <chr>        <chr>             <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>
1   333 NridgHt      Gd       TA       No           GLQ                1124 <NA>                479      1603        3206            1            0
2   949 CollgCr      Gd       TA       <NA>         Unf                   0 Unf                   0       936         936            0            0
3  1488 Somerst      Gd       TA       <NA>         Unf                   0 Unf                   0      1595        1595            0            0
4  2041 Veenker      Gd       <NA>     Mn           GLQ                1044 Rec                 382         0        1426            1            0
5  2186 Edwards      TA       <NA>     No           BLQ                1033 Unf                   0        94        1127            0            1
6  2218 IDOTRR       <NA>     Fa       No           Unf                   0 Unf                   0       173         173            0            0
7  2219 IDOTRR       <NA>     TA       No           Unf                   0 Unf                   0       356         356            0            0
8  2349 Somerst      Gd       TA       <NA>         Unf                   0 Unf                   0       725         725            0            0
9  2525 CollgCr      TA       <NA>     Av           ALQ                 755 Unf                   0       240         995            0            0

Histograms of numerical basement features and their correlations with SalePrice are plotted below.

It could be verified that: TotalBsmtSF = BsmtFinSF1 + BsmtFinSF2 + BsmtUnfSF

Additionally, new features are generated where:

  • BsmtBath = BsmtFullBath + 0.5 * BsmtHalfBath
  • HasBsmt = TotalBsmtSF > 0

  • Most properties have a basement.
  • Column plots show that BsmtFinType2 and BsmtCond values are dominated by a single category.

Bathroom Features

  • A new feature is generated to determine the total number of bathrooms: TotalBath = FullBath + HalfBath + BsmtBath

Fireplace Features

  1. There are 1420 properties that have no fireplaces. FireplaceQu is changed to None.
# A tibble: 1,420 x 4
      Id Neighborhood Fireplaces FireplaceQu
   <dbl> <chr>             <dbl> <chr>      
 1     1 CollgCr               0 <NA>       
 2     6 Mitchel               0 <NA>       
 3    11 Sawyer                0 <NA>       
 4    13 Sawyer                0 <NA>       
 5    16 BrkSide               0 <NA>       
 6    18 Sawyer                0 <NA>       
 7    19 SawyerW               0 <NA>       
 8    20 NAmes                 0 <NA>       
 9    27 NAmes                 0 <NA>       
10    30 BrkSide               0 <NA>       
# ... with 1,410 more rows
  • A new feature is generated where: HasFireplace = Fireplaces > 0
  • A significant number of properties have fireplaces.

Garage Features

  1. GarageYrBlt where NA is set to YearBuilt.

  2. There are 157 properties where the property has no garage. In these records, GarageType, GarageFinish, GarageQual and GarageCond are recorded as None.

  3. Since qualitative features do not have the same distribution across neighborhoods, any remaining NA values are imputed to be the most common or median value in the Neighborhood by GarageType.

# A tibble: 157 x 9
      Id Neighborhood GarageType GarageYrBlt GarageFinish GarageCars GarageArea GarageQual GarageCond
   <dbl> <chr>        <chr>            <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>      <chr>     
 1    40 Edwards      <NA>              1955 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
 2    49 OldTown      <NA>              1920 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
 3    79 Sawyer       <NA>              1968 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
 4    89 IDOTRR       <NA>              1915 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
 5    90 CollgCr      <NA>              1994 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
 6   100 NAmes        <NA>              1959 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
 7   109 IDOTRR       <NA>              1919 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
 8   126 IDOTRR       <NA>              1935 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
 9   128 OldTown      <NA>              1930 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
10   141 NAmes        <NA>              1971 <NA>                  0          0 <NA>       <NA>      
# ... with 147 more rows
# A tibble: 2 x 9
     Id Neighborhood GarageType GarageYrBlt GarageFinish GarageCars GarageArea GarageQual GarageCond
  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>            <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>      <chr>     
1  2127 OldTown      Detchd            1910 <NA>                  1        360 <NA>       <NA>      
2  2577 IDOTRR       Detchd            1923 <NA>                 NA         NA <NA>       <NA>      
  • GarageArea and GarageCars have almost similar correlation with SalePrice.
  • A new feature is generated where: HasGarage = GarageArea > 0
  • Most properties have a garage.
  • Column plots show that GarageQual and GarageCond values are dominated by a single category.

Masonry Features

  1. There is one property (Id = 2611) where MasVnrArea = 198 but MasVnrType = NA. Impute MasVnrType to be most common value in the neighborhood where MasVnrArea > 0.

  2. Impute NA values in MasVnrType to be the most common values by Neighborhood and YearRemodAdd.

  3. Impute NA values in MasVnrArea to be the median values by Neighborhood and MasVnrType.

# A tibble: 1 x 4
     Id Neighborhood MasVnrType MasVnrArea
  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>           <dbl>
1  2611 Mitchel      <NA>              198
# A tibble: 23 x 4
      Id Neighborhood MasVnrType MasVnrArea
   <dbl> <chr>        <chr>           <dbl>
 1   235 Gilbert      <NA>               NA
 2   530 Crawfor      <NA>               NA
 3   651 Somerst      <NA>               NA
 4   937 SawyerW      <NA>               NA
 5   974 Somerst      <NA>               NA
 6   978 Somerst      <NA>               NA
 7  1244 NridgHt      <NA>               NA
 8  1279 CollgCr      <NA>               NA
 9  1692 Gilbert      <NA>               NA
10  1707 Somerst      <NA>               NA
# ... with 13 more rows
# A tibble: 23 x 4
      Id Neighborhood MasVnrType MasVnrArea
   <dbl> <chr>        <chr>           <dbl>
 1   235 Gilbert      None               NA
 2   530 Crawfor      None               NA
 3   651 Somerst      None               NA
 4   937 SawyerW      None               NA
 5   974 Somerst      Stone              NA
 6   978 Somerst      None               NA
 7  1244 NridgHt      Stone              NA
 8  1279 CollgCr      BrkFace            NA
 9  1692 Gilbert      None               NA
10  1707 Somerst      Stone              NA
# ... with 13 more rows
  • A new feature is generated where: HasMasVnr = MasVnrArea > 0
  • A significant number of properties have masonry.

Pool Features

  1. Change values in PoolQC to None if the property has no pool

  2. Impute NA values in remaining PoolQC to the most common value in the Neighborhood in the properties that have a pool.

# A tibble: 2,906 x 4
      Id Neighborhood PoolArea PoolQC
   <dbl> <chr>           <dbl> <chr> 
 1     1 CollgCr             0 <NA>  
 2     2 Veenker             0 <NA>  
 3     3 CollgCr             0 <NA>  
 4     4 Crawfor             0 <NA>  
 5     5 NoRidge             0 <NA>  
 6     6 Mitchel             0 <NA>  
 7     7 Somerst             0 <NA>  
 8     8 NWAmes              0 <NA>  
 9     9 OldTown             0 <NA>  
10    10 BrkSide             0 <NA>  
# ... with 2,896 more rows
# A tibble: 3 x 4
     Id Neighborhood PoolArea PoolQC
  <dbl> <chr>           <dbl> <chr> 
1  2421 NAmes             368 <NA>  
2  2504 SawyerW           444 <NA>  
3  2600 Mitchel           561 <NA>  
  • A new feature is generated where: HasPool = PoolArea > 0
  • Most properties do not have a pool.

Porch Features

  • New features are generated for:
    • Total porch area: PorchSF = OpenPorchSF + EnclosedPorch + 3SsnPorch + ScreenPorch
    • Whether property has a porch: HasPorch = PorchSF > 0

Built Area Features

  • A new feature is added to determine the total square footage of built area: TotalSF = GrLivArea + TotalBsmtSF

Construction Year Features

  • New features are generated for:
    • Vintage of year built: 1945 or earlier, 1946-1999, 2000 or later
    • Age of property from when it was built to the time it was sold: PropertyAge = YrSold - YearRemodAdd
    • Indicate if the property is new or newly renovated: IsNew = YearRemodAdd == YrSold
    • Indicate if the property has been remodelled: IsRemodAdd = YearRemodAdd > YearBuilt

Neighborhood Features

Type of Neighborhood: There are 25 neighborhoods in the dataset. As it is said, real estate is all about location, location, location. Clearly some neighborhoods command higher prices than others.

Neighborhoods could be grouped together in fewer categories depending upon how they are ranked by their median SalePrice:

  • Type1: StoneBr, NridgHt, NoRidge
  • Type2: Veenker, Timber, Somerst
  • Type3: Crawfor, CollgCr, ClearCr, Blmngtn, Gilbert, NWAmes, SawyerW
  • Type4: Mitchel, NPkVill, NAmes, SWISU, Sawyer, Blueste, BrkSide, Edwards, OldTown
  • Type5: IDOTRR, BrDale, MeadowV

Other Missing Features

  1. In MiscFeature, Alley and Fence NA values are recoded as None.

  2. In Utilities, Functional, SaleType NA values are imputed as the most common value of each feature.

  3. In LotFrontage NA values are imputed as the median values in the Neighborhood.

  4. In MSZoning, KitchenQual, Exterior1st, Exterior2nd, Electrical NA values are imputed as the most common value in the Neighborhood.

Label Encoding

A quick look at the data description shows many features have categories that follow a specific order. These features are:

  • LotShape: Reg, IR1, IR2, IR3
  • LandSlope: Gtl, Mod, Sev
  • ExterQual: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po
  • ExterCond: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po
  • BsmtQual: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po, None
  • BsmtCond: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po, None
  • BsmtExposure: Gd, Av, Mn, No, None
  • BsmtFinType1: GLQ, ALQ, BLQ, Rec, LwQ, Unf, None
  • BsmtFinType2: GLQ, ALQ, BLQ, Rec, LwQ, Unf, None
  • HeatingQC: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po
  • CentralAir: Y, N
  • KitchenQual: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po
  • Functional: Typ, Min1, Min2, Mod, Maj1, Maj2, Sev, Sal
  • FireplaceQu: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po, None
  • GarageFinish: Fin, RFn, Unf, None
  • GarageQual: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po, None
  • GarageCond: Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po, None
  • Street: Grvl, Pave
  • PavedDrive: Y, P, N

Most of these features have a common order Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po, except some are missing None as a category. These features could be ordered with a common set of categories from Ex, Gd, TA, Fa, Po, None.

Some categorical features are already ordered by an integer number. These features are:

  • OverallQual: 10 to 1
  • OverallCond: 10 to 1

MoSold is cyclical and should be recoded as a factor.

YrSold has only 5 values from 2006-2010 and should also be recoded as a factor.

Categorical features where several categories have less than 10 observations are lumped into a single category named Other.

Features to Drop

Highly Correlated Features

Some features could be dropped from further analysis because either they are too correlated or replaced by a similar feature.

 [1] "BsmtFullBath"  "GarageCars"    "GarageYrBlt"   "GrLivArea"     "PoolArea"      "YearBuilt"     "YearRemodAdd"  "Neighborhood"  "OpenPorchSF"  
[10] "EnclosedPorch" "3SsnPorch"     "ScreenPorch"  

Skewed Categorical Features

Any feature where more than 95% of the records have the same category probably doesn’t have any predictive value. An extreme case is Utilities which has only 2 categories - AllPub and NoSeWa in the dataset. Only 1 record has NoSeWa and the rest of the records have AllPub. Therefore, features like these do not have any predictive value.

Finalized Data

[1] "Dimensions of the finalized dataset"
[1] 2919   73
Excluding Id, there are 72 features in the finalized dataset.
There are 26 numerical, 26 ordinal and 20 nominal features.

Univariate Analysis

Let us look at each feature in the dataset in detail.

Numerical Features

First let’s plot all the features that are measured as area in square feet:

What’s notable?

  • All area features have outliers.
  • Many features are heavily skewed so they need to be normalized before fitting models.

Now let’s see other numerical features:

What’s notable?

  • Most of the properties have been built less than 20 years prior to their sale.

Let’s plot the distribution of SalePrice in log scale:

What’s notable?

  • We see long tailed distribution on both sides.
  • There are 11 properties below USD 50,000 and 17 above USD 500,000.
  • Linear models are very sensitive to the presence of outliers.

Categorical Features

Ordinal Features

What’s notable?

  • Categorical imbalances exist in many features where 1 or 2 categories are dominant. This poses a big challenge for using these features as predictors, as categories with fewer counts tend to be underrepresented in the data.

Nominal Features.

What’s notable?

  • Categorical imbalances exist in many features where 1 or 2 categories are dominant.
  • Most of the properties are sold during the summer months, and the least during the winter months.
  • The effect of housing market crisis are visible in the data, as the fewest properties were sold in 2010.

Bivariate Analysis


Let’s examine the relationship of SalePrice with other numerical features:

What’s notable?

  • From the scatterplot of TotalSF v/s SalePrice, it is very clear there are high leverage points where the target SalePrice is unusually low relative to the area in sq. ft. These points have an outsized impact on the slope of the regression line, which otherwise would be higher.
  • The same set of points impact TotalBsmtSF.
  • The Ids of these records are 524,1299,2550. Out of these 524 and 1299 are in the training set.

Correlations with SalePrice

We isolate the features that have an absolute correlation of 0.1 or more with SalePrice.

What’s notable?

  • The top 5 features are TotalSF, GarageArea, TotalBath, TotalBsmtSF, 1stFlrSF. Quite reasonably, a buyer would look at these features to evaluate a property and its SalePrice.
  • It is somewhat counterintuitive that PropertyAge shows a strong negative correlation with SalePrice. It means properties that were more recently built, sell for higher prices than older properties.

Numerical-Categorical (Ordinal)

What’s notable?

  • We can spot clear trends in SalePrice v/s the order of the categories in almost all of these features.
  • Overall quality and external quality show some of the strongest trends.

Numerical-Categorical (Nominal)

Let’s examine SalePrice with respect to the nominal features in the dataset. None of these features have a natural order, but we can identify trends within categories by sorting with the median SalePrice. The SalePrice axis is truncated to exclude outliers.

What’s notable?

  • GarageType: Builtin and attached garages are more preferred than detached or other types of garages.
  • From MSSubClass categories, it is evident that 1946 or newer houses are higher priced than older houses.

Multivariate Analysis

We will check variation of some related features with SalePrice.


We have determined TotalSF and GarageArea have among the strongest correlations with SalePrice. Let’s see how they vary by NeighborhoodType and GarageType respectively:

  • For the same total area, there are neighborhoods where SalePrice is higher than others.
  • Properties with no garage are distinctly separated.
  • Properties with built-in or attached garages tend to have higher SalePrice for the same GarageArea.
  • Therefore, NeighborhoodType and GarageType explain some variance in SalePrice.


We want to see if there is any interaction of SalePrice with a combination of categorical features, that could provide any additional explanatory power for prediction:

  • It is evident that some neighborhoods have higher OverallQual and therefore command higher price. However in Type4 neighborhoods, we can see a clear variation in SalePrice by quality of property.
  • It is less clear if GarageType has a major impact by itself. Even though built-in and attached garages seem to be preferred, most of the variation can be explained by NeighborhoodType itself.
  • Low density and floating village residential properties tend to be higher priced in both single and multi-storied properties built after 1946.
Nitin Gupta

Quantitative Data Technologies
